Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Patience is a V... acation!!!"

Most of the time I would consider my impatient-ness a very bad flaw... but there is some good that comes from it! (If you can believe that.)  I get very impatient when I know a good vacation is coming up soon, and because of this - I always plan ahead.   

When Randy and I got engaged, the very first thing I planned was our honeymoon; and I did ask Randy here and there what he wanted to do, but I definitely only allowed myself to plan it.  Vacations are GREAT.  I love that I can get away for a little while, escape reality, and be able to experience a whole different world.  There is nothing that I prepare for more than vacations.  When I plan vacations, I usually plan big.  I figure you might as well go all out or its just not worth it! ;) (I still like little simple, spontaneous weekend getaways.)  I love to travel, and I feel like its really important to get away every 3 or so months and take a break from everyday life.  Randy loves to travel as well, so it works out perfectly!
We decided to wait on having kids for a few years so we can travel together and spend as much time as a married couple as possible.  I decided this year is going to be one of our GO ALL OUT years.  I am going to keep posted on my blog of all the fun adventures we have coming up this year!

A new tradition I inherited from marrying into the Jepperson family is Easter Camping!  I went last year, and it was definitely a vacation that wont be soon forgotten.  That tradition holds a special place in my heart because Randy proposed to me there in front of his whole family.  I have been looking forward to this trip for months, and now I'm only a month away!!  To prepare a little for this trip, we purchased some guns.  Randy got an old WW2 Russian gun and I got a pink Red Ryder BB gun.  I am so excited to take it out there!

I know Randy and I will be spending a lot of time in Provo Canyon this summer, and I would definitely consider it a summer long vacation.  We'll be doing a lot of longboarding and tubing down the river.  Now if only this weather would warm up a little more we could get started!!

Randy's best friend Cale and I have our birthdays one day apart - July 12th and July 13th.  Since I'm turning 21, I thought it would only be appropriate to spend it in Vegas!  Cale and I decided we would have a combined birthday there on the weekend of our birthdays - July 15-17.  I'm DEFINITELY excited for that little weekend getaway!

I already booked another cruise for our Anniversary at the end of August, as if our honeymoon cruise just wasn't enough!  We knew we had to do that again.  To prepare for this trip, me and Randy have been religiously working out everyday and trying to eat fairly healthy.  So far we've loved it and feel so great, and we aren't going to give up!  Its hard not to gain a couple-few pounds on a cruise, so we're trying to prepare for that.  This time around we are going to MEXICO!  It's a 7 day cruise, and stops at Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas.  We want to rent ATV's and go snorkeling for excursions.  I cannot even contain myself, I'm so excited!!

Last year, Randy and I went on a VERY fun trip to Lake Powell during his birthday with his work.  We spent the week on a houseboat, played around on jetski's and boats, canoed and fished.  It was a great relaxing week and we knew that we were for sure going to add that to our list of yearly getaways.  I haven't heard anything about it for this year, so hopefully they do it again and we wont hesitate to be there!  That's another one I'm very much looking forward to in the fall, so I'm crossing my fingers it happens again! :)

I'm so excited and IMPATIENT for whats in store for us this year.  And I'm excited to be able to blog about all of our adventures! 

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